unsearchable mysteries series – fish and birds

Topic: Natural and Spiritual Creation. Fish and Birds. The Unsearchable Mysteries Series> Category: Power> Truth> 

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Following on from last week’s message [Unsearchable Mysteries – Stars] we will continue our journey through The Unsearchable Mysteries Series.

A long time ago, the Eternal One, through His Eternal Voice spoke His creation into existence. He said, ‘Let there be…’ and it was so. At His word the light burst forth and the waters separated to make the sky above and the seas below. Then the dry ground emerged and seed bearing vegetation sprung up. Exactly three time spans after light was created, the lights that divided the day and night and governed the tides and seasons were placed across the heavens. It was spectacular, beautiful and good.

 After all this had happened, again the Eternal One was waiting for just the right moment. 

Once again exactly three time spans after the Eternal One created the sky above and the seas below, it happened! 

Into the sky the Eternal One spoke. He said, ‘Let there be flying creatures that soar high above the earth in the vast expanse of the sky. A variety of species of flying birds that reproduce after their own kind. And let there be a swarm of life in the sea. A vast array of sea creatures that swim in the oceans and reproduce after their own kind.’

Immediately, at the voice of the Eternal One, it was so. The Eternal Father, the Eternal Voice and the Eternal Spirit, together as one, exactly three time spans after they created the sky above and the seas below filled them with life. Everything was provided for the birds of the air and the fish of the seas to live, thrive and multiply after their own kind.

a home for the fish and birds

Even before the fish and the birds were created everything was there for them.  

The Eternal One saw that His creation was very beautiful and so good. Once again this was a personal expression of His love for us. He created with such awe and wonder, beauty and splendour, majesty and detail for us.  

The Eternal One created the seen and unseen creatures of the air and seas. Some are so tiny that they are not visible to us, yet they are there. Life in abundance at the voice of the Eternal One.

The birds of the air that rule the skies soar effortlessly high above the earth as they immerse themselves in the unseen, warm air currents. The rising warm air currents carry them high above the ground. As the birds of the air that rule the skies open their wings, they soar to great heights, close to the realm of the divine. 

All throughout the history of humanity, cultures and empires have adopted the symbol of one high flying bird, that rules the skies, that is the eagle. The eagle represented to them power, strength, leadership, vision, freedom and a closeness to the divine. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, the Eternal Voice and the Eternal Spirit reveal the unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One. Once again the Eternal Voice uses His natural creation to reveal a deep spiritual truth. 

fish and birds created out of love

His words go deep, as they are filled with unconditional love for you. 

The Eternal One who through His Eternal Voice filled the sky and seas with life of abundance again speaks intimately and personally to you. 

‘By receiving My right to rule and reign, you have received My Eternal Spirit within. Each day it is my desire for you to soar above the storms of this life. 

As we journey together, surrender and receive from Me, be at rest in the unsearchable mysteries of Me. Take a moment each day to be immersed in My Eternal Spirit and receive strength from Me. It is in surrender to Me, immersed in my presence, living in the hope of Me, that you soar effortlessly on My wings of love. Soaring like eagles in the unseen column of warm air is My desire for you. To be truly free.

Remember as you wait on Me, rest in Me, be immersed in Me, you will be led by My Eternal Spirit in all things. Therefore you will live in the victory of surrender, with an eternal vision of life everlasting, being empowered by Me to empower others.’

Your thoughts are turning to the natural creation. The eagle majestically and effortlessly soars high above the storm. Being carried by the unseen column of warm air. The eagle simply waits for just the right moment to be carried away by a warm breath of wind. 

The Eternal Voice breaks through your thoughts. ‘I have bound us together. You shall in My strength be carried up above the storm, with wings like eagles. Soaring on My wings of love. I shall run with you in this life journey and you shall not be weary, for you will soar with Me in the heavenly places.

as birds together in the heavenly places

This is My truth, this is our Father’s will.’  

The first aspect of a bird, the eagle is that it soars effortlessly on the invisible columns of warm air. The Eternal Spirit leads and empowers us to be together with the Eternal Voice, high up in the heavenly places with the Eternal One. 

So three time spans after the Eternal One created the sky and the sea, He created the birds of the air and the fish of the sea.

the fish of the sea

Imagine with me for a moment. You go back into time, when the Eternal Voice became human. He had grown to be a man and was walking through your community. 

Together with your two friends you worked all night to catch some fish. You were skilled at fishing. This was your daily labour and source of income. However this night was like no other. Hour after hour passes by, yet still you have not caught any fish.

It has been a long night. Out of the darkness, the sun begins to appear over the horizon. The night has gone and the morning has come. Still no fish. 

Tired and exhausted, together with your friends, you start to clean your nets in readiness for the next fishing time. Removing all the slime, filth and any rubbish that was caught in them, you get ready to return home. 

It was at this very moment that along comes Jesus, the Eternal Voice. 

He stops and sits in your boat. The multitudes are there. So Jesus begins to teach them from your boat. 

go deeper

Then to your surprise the Eternal Voice turns to you. In amongst the crowds He sees you. He speaks intimately and personally. ‘Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.’ 

Perplexed, you respond. ‘We’ve been fishing all night and haven’t caught anything. But at Your word, I will do it.’

So at the word of the Eternal Voice, you launch out into the deep. You lower the nets. To your amazement the catch is vast. There are so many fish! Under the huge weight of the fish the net starts to break. 

You quickly signal to your friends for help. They rally around and help haul in the miraculous catch. The catch was so great that it fills two boats and even they are so full that they begin to sink! 

You know you are in the presence of the divine, so in awe and wonder fall at the feet of Jesus. 

Again He gently and intimately speaks His words of light and life to you. ‘Don’t be afraid. From now on, as you journey through this life with Me, out in the deep darkness of this world, you will fish for people. I will show Myself to them, through you. Simply come, follow Me. 

As you follow Me, listen to My whispers of love. Live in the breath of My Spirit. Be surrendered to the will of our Father and receive more from Me each day. 

fish and birds – together out into the deep

Know this. All power and authority has been given to Me and I am with you to the end of this age. For I am the Eternal Voice, whose Spirit is not bound by time or place. I am within you intimately and personally. As you journey through this life, where ever you are, you have my power and authority to be My witness to the world.

This is My intimate and personal promise to you and to everyone who receives Me. As each one has a part in My healing and salvation mission. Remember Me. This is My promise that I will fulfil. Simply surrender and receive from Me.’

The first aspect of being a successful fisher of fish is to launch out into the deep. The deep is different to each person, but it is where ever the Eternal One has placed you. 

Once again the Eternal Voice turns your thoughts to His natural creation. You remember how you were fishing all night yet didn’t catch anything. Even tho the night was supposed to be the best time to fish, you didn’t catch a thing. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual the Eternal One knows all things. In His natural creation there are seasons and times. To discern the times and the seasons we walk close to the Eternal One, be guided by Him, in surrender to His will, being transformed by Him each and every day. He will reveal the time to fish and the time to rest, as we journey along the road of Eternal truth. 

fish and birds – fishers of people

Time passes. So much has happened. The Eternal Voice had sacrificed His human life and is now raised from the dead. Yet at this moment you don’t know what to do. So with your friends you go back to the familiar. You fish all night and catch nothing.

Then the Eternal Voice, the risen Jesus said, ‘Cast your net on the right side of the boat. There you find some fish.’ 

Again the Eternal Voice uses His natural creation to reveal a deep spiritual truth. 

‘Be led by My Eternal Voice, follow Me and as we journey with others we will bring them to the heart of our Eternal Father in heaven. Into His kingdom of everlasting life. For I am Jesus the Eternal Voice, in the position of ultimate power and authority, at the right hand of our Eternal Father in heaven.’

At these words you remember the promise. Jesus said, ‘You will be a fisher of people.’ The catch at the right side of the boat is vast, yet the net itself miraculously does not break. The Eternal One has enlarged the capacity of the net to catch even more fish. 

This is an extraordinary moment. However it is not the catch that overwhelms. It is the presence of the Eternal Voice Himself. He is there with you in the every day, serving you. For He has cooked breakfast for you on the beach. This is a sacred moment in the environment of the everyday. An extraordinary encounter in an ordinary routine day.


Again the Eternal One breaks through your thoughts. ‘Come and eat. Let Me serve you, pour into you, feed you. For My food is to be surrendered to our Father’s will. This is the will of our Father, ‘Come follow Me to the depths of our Father’s heart. Out into the deep I will lead you. I will lead to the one, the two, the three… 

As I have been sent, I send you. Come follow Me.’ 

The second aspect of being a successful fisher of fish is to fish when and where the fish are. This will be different for each person, according to the will of the Eternal One. 

Jesus’ mission is to bring healing and wholeness, deliverance and salvation, freedom and victory. As disciples of Jesus we are all fishers of people, all working together, in God’s Kingdom. To Him be the glory. 

to sum up – fish and birds

The first aspect of a bird, the eagle is that it soars effortlessly on the invisible columns of warm air. The Eternal Spirit leads and empowers us to be together with the Eternal Voice high up in the heavenly places with the Eternal One. 

The first aspect of being a successful fisher of fish is to launch out into the deep. The deep is different to each person, but it is where ever the Eternal One has placed you. 

The second aspect of being a successful fisher of fish is to fish when and where the fish are. This will be different for each person, according to the will of the Eternal One. 


unsearchable mysteries> son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom> the miracles of the wilderness journey>


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