the unsearchable mysteries – fruit

Topic: Fruit. Natural and Spiritual Creation. The Unsearchable Mysteries Series> Category: Power>Truth>

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Following on from last week’s message [The Unsearchable Mysteries – Water] we will continue our journey through The Unsearchable Mysteries Series.

A long time ago, after the Eternal One through His Eternal Voice spoke light into the darkness and separated the waters to make the sky above and the waters below, He again was waiting for just the right moment. 

Then it happened! 

Into the deep the Eternal One spoke. He said, ‘Let the waters under the vast expanse gather together into one place so that dry land may appear.’  Immediately, at the voice of the Eternal One, the deep gathered together and dry ground appeared. 

Then the Eternal Voice spoke to the dry ground. He said, ‘Let the dry ground sprout seed bearing vegetation. Sprout grasses, herbs, fruit trees and all kinds of plants that will reproduce after there own kind.’ 

In an instant it happened just as the Eternal Voice had said. The dry ground had produced seed bearing vegetation of all varieties to produce much fruit. 

Such care, beauty, provision and splendour was there. This was a personal expression of the Eternal One’s love for us. For not only was He creating a home for us to live with Him, but a place where all the diversity of life can thrive.

So the Eternal One created the seen and unseen fruit, in both the heavens and on the earth. The visible fruit of the reproducible seed of vegetation is there as well as the invisible fruit of the Spirit of the Eternal One. That is the Eternal One’s invisible character that He makes visible to us in all that He does.

fruit that is good

For through the Eternal Voice of the Eternal One, fruit bearing vegetation was created and it was good! 

Being fruitful is part of the natural order of creation. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

So imagine with me for a moment. You go back into time, when the Eternal Voice became human. He had grown to be a man. As you journey together He reveals the unseen fruit of the Eternal One, the Father in heaven in all that He says and does. 

His unconditional love touches your heart, personally and intimately. The pure joy that He has in the delight of being with you, comes from the depths of the Father’s heart. How He wants to include you in all that He does, goes deep. 

In amongst all the crowds and chaos of this world, you observe that the Eternal Voice is never stressed. He has this deep perfect peace that is above it all. 

His never ending patience with you and others, together with His self control is truly divine. For you know that in Him there is pure goodness, the very essence of the Eternal One. 

The Eternal Voice speaks with such power and authority yet towards you there is a beautiful gentleness. 

With His interactions with people, He has an indescribable kindness that touches each heart. Journeying together you come to know and experience His intimacy and faithfulness to you and the Eternal Father in heaven is eternal.  

For this is the character of the Eternal One. Unconditional love, pure joy, perfect peace, never ending patience, pure goodness, eternal faithfulness, beautiful gentleness, indescribable kindness and divine self control.  

Every day with Jesus is an incredible journey of intimacy, awe and wonder.

fruit in season and out of season

As you are walking together, the Eternal Voice speaks to you. Intimately and personally. Once again He uses His natural creation to reveal a deep spiritual truth. 

The Eternal Voice begins. ‘Picture this. A beautiful flourishing vine or tree. It is good, full of life, healthy and fruitful in season and out of season. For this is no ordinary vine or tree. 

It is divine, eternal, as it is the very essence of the Eternal One Himself, My Father in heaven. 

My Father in heaven is the gardener of this flourishing vine or tree. He connects the branches into the vine or main stem. Lifting each branch up out of the dirt to be with Me and Him. So every branch will thrive. 

When connected to the main stem, raised up to thrive, My Father in heaven takes out the guilt and shame buried deep within each branch. He does this so that every branch can receive all the goodness and life from the vine or main stem. 

I, Jesus am this true vine or main stem of this eternal spiritual tree, and you as my disciple are a branch connected to Me. 

By being in relationship with Me, My Father has lifted you up out of the dirt of this life, into the heavenly realm with Me. You are with Me, far above it all. From that moment when you said yes to Me, yes to My Father in heaven, you are part of Me.

As you have received Me, you are clean. My Father in heaven has taken out all the guilt and shame that is buried deep within. So that you can freely receive all the goodness and life from being connected to Me.’ 

guilt and shame is taken away

Your mind is running fast, your heart beating at a rapid pace. This seems to good to be true! But you reason and know the Eternal Voice speaks truth and life. For He is truth and life. 

He is the one who spoke light into darkness, separated the waters above and below, and commanded the dry ground to produce seed bearing vegetation to produce much fruit. He spoke and it was so.

The Eternal Voice continues to reveal the unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One to you. His words go deep. 

‘Again turn your thoughts to My natural creation. 

In My natural creation for the branches of the vine or tree to be healthy they need to drink water each day, as water is the essential for life.

The water flows from high too low, from the sky down to earth to the lowest point.  For the branches to drink of the water, the water goes up the roots, through the main stem, to the branches. The water flows up through the main stem, giving life to the branches. The branches are simply connected to the vine, receiving from the main stem.’ 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

The Eternal One continues. 

‘In the spiritual, I am the source of the living waters. The spiritual rain of the Eternal One flows from His throne. From the highest place of power and purity, through Me to you. 

Remember I am the spiritual vine or main stem and you are My branch. This the truth I speak over you. You will bear much fruit, drink freely each day, receiving from Me. 

spiritual rain for spiritual fruit

Our Father in heaven is continually pouring out His spiritual rain for you to drink freely. However know this. In this life journey there can be many blockages from you receiving more of Me. 

But have no fear or concern, for I am greater than any blockage. I will give to you personally the secret of success. So come close and discover the unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One.’

You come close. For at the words of the Eternal Voice, peace starts to fill your mind. You remember His words. 

‘The Eternal Father has declared you clean and raised you up.’

The Eternal Voice continues to speak intimately and personally. 

‘Again turn your thoughts to My natural creation. In My natural creation for the branches of the vine or tree to be healthy, they need to eat nutritious food each day. The nutrients from the soil go up the roots, through the main stem, to the branches. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, all the fruit and nutrition of the Eternal One comes through Me to you. Remember I am the spiritual vine or main stem and you are My branch. I told you My food, My spiritual food is to be in continual surrender to our Father’s will. In surrender of self-will, to that of our Father’s will, removes all the blockages of humanity that are there from receiving from Me.’

Again your thoughts are running fast. Jesus the Eternal Voice knows all things. He breaks through with His truth and continues to speak. 


‘Just be willing to surrender to our Father those thoughts, even if only 1% of them, just be willing. Give the good and the bad to Him. Place them in My nail pierced hands for our Father and I are one. Remember you and I are one, as you are My branch. 

Understand that continual surrender to our Father’s will is the secret of success. Our Father is always working and He is the gardener. I am the true spiritual vine or main stem. You as My branch simply surrender and receive from Me. As My spiritual food is to surrender to our Father’s will.

For this is the will of our Father. That you live in the fullness of the truth of being My branch connected to Me. That you thrive, be truly free and bear much fruit for all the world to see. 

Producing the fruit in you is the work of the of our Eternal Father, the Eternal Waters and Myself the Eternal Voice. It is all to the glory of our Eternal Father that the fruit of His Eternal Waters through Me be in you. 

The Eternal fruit is our character. My unconditional love, pure joy, perfect peace, never ending patience, pure goodness, eternal faithfulness, beautiful gentleness, indescribable kindness and divine self control. 

As you are My branch, simply live in the daily victory of surrender of self and receive more of Me. You are My unique and most loved, special branch. You will grow into the fullness of all I have created you to be. 

a love so deep

For our Eternal Father loves with an eternal love that is so pure and selfless. It is in this love, that your are to live. Now live in the reality of My truth and love that I give to you. I speak this over you and to you. In this My joy and the joy of our Father in heaven will be full and overflowing. 

Always remember I give all Myself to you from the heart of our Father in heaven. It is because of our great love for you that I’ve come and given Eternal Waters to you. 

You are our closest friend. Therefore I have revealed to you the depths of our love for you. I have made known to you the unsearchable mysteries. 

Our Father in heaven has lifted up and cleansed every branch in Me individually and personally. Cleansed each one from all guilt and shame. 

You My special branch will bear much much fruit. As you daily surrender and receive from Me. Fruit that is Eternal, the Eternal fruit of Me. For I am the true vine or main stem of this spiritual tree and you are My special branch. 

I am Jesus. The Eternal Voice, the true vine or spiritual tree that produces Eternal fruit, by the Eternal Waters, all the glory of our Eternal Father. 

once again picture My natural world. 

You are a branch of a large vine or tree. You are connected to the main stem of the vine or tree. All you are doing is just hanging there, nothing else, just hanging from the main stem.

Now because you are hanging to the main stem all the goodness from the vine is flowing into you. It’s water, its nutrients. Everything from the vine or main stem is flowing naturally into you. All you are doing is hanging there connected to the vine, receiving its goodness. 

You start feel different, think differently, see differently. All the goodness of the vine is surging through you. As in surrender all blockages are removed.

You feel the heat beating down and the rain pouring over you, but on the inside of you there is this soothing flow of water and nutrients. You notice ittle bunches of fruit start to form. How could this be you wonder. You haven’t been doing anything! Just hanging connected to the vine or main stem of the tree. Then you remember. Jesus is the true vine of the main stem and you are His branch.

For the Jesus tree produces Jesus fruit.  


unsearchable mysteries> son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom> the miracles of the wilderness journey>


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