the unsearchable mysteries – water

Topic: Water. Natural and Spiritual Creation. The Unsearchable Mysteries Series> Category: Power> Truth> 

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Following on from last week’s message [Unsearchable Mysteries – Light] we will continue our journey through The Unsearchable Mysteries Series.

A long time ago, after the Eternal One through His Eternal Voice spoke light into the darkness, He again was waiting for just the right moment. 

Then it happened! 

Into the deep the Eternal One spoke. He said, ‘Let there be a vast expanse in the waters. This vast expanse will separate the waters into the waters above and the waters below.’

At the voice of the Eternal One, immediately the vast expanse was formed. The sky was created and separated from the waters below. It was beautiful, awesome and glorious. It was a personal expression of the Eternal One’s love, for He was creating a home in which life itself would dwell.

Everything was to be perfect.

So the Eternal One created the seen and unseen qualities of water, in both the heavens and on the earth. The visible reflections are revealed on its surface and the invisible colours of light are absorbed within. For through the Eternal Voice of the Eternal One, water was created.  

Water was created and it was good! 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

Water is essential for life and growth, flows from high to low and empowers with it’s motion. It expresses the awe and wonder of the Eternal One and His Eternal Voice. Water is essential for life and helps us live! 

divine living water

In a moment in human history, the Eternal One, His Eternal Voice, stepped down into our world of spiritual dryness and brought His living waters to us. He became one of us and entered into our world, bringing heaven down to us.

Jesus the Eternal Voice, was and is the visible expression of the invisible great spirit who created. He is the Eternal Voice who through Him all things were created. Only through Him does the divine living waters flow.

Imagine with me for a moment. You go back into time, when the Eternal Voice became human. He had grown to be a man. 

You are all alone. You are treated as an enemy by the people from other tribes. Through circumstances of this world, you have also been alienated from your own family. Isolated from even your own kind. 

Life is hard. Today is like every other day. It is very hot. The sun is so bright. The desert sands reflect the glare. You can feel the sun’s heat on your head and the back of your neck. Your mouth is so very dry. Everything is very dry. 

Spiritually it has been that way for centuries. Prejudices, social and economic status, self gain and self glorification govern society. 

You walk for miles and miles, just to get some water. 

You are walking in the heat of the day, so no one else will see you. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. Your throat begins to feel very, very dry. The environment is so intense that you start to have trouble swallowing and even breathing. You know that if you don’t have any water soon, you will die!

water essential for life

Finally you see a well. It is way off in the distance. But the thought of the clean, cool water starts to overtake your struggle. For a moment, you forget your hurt and pain. So closer and closer you walk. You are nearly there. 

Oh no! You see a man. A stranger at the well. What do you do? As you look closer you recognise that He is from a group of people that hate your kind. There is a cultural divide that you cannot cross. So you stop. You were so close to getting a drink of water, yet so far.

But you must have some water to live! Again you are aware how thirsty you are and how desperate your need is for a drink of water. 

You realise that out here in the desert, there is nowhere to hide. Feeling vulnerable and fearful you remain stationary.  

You realise He has seen you! Your desperate need for water becomes stronger than the fear and shame. You walk closer to the well. Observing that the man at the well has nothing to draw the water with, you become curious.

Then something extraordinary happened. He said to you, Give Me a drink.

The man at the well breaks through the cultural boundaries and crosses over the prejudices of humanity. According to the custom of His people, He should not engage in conversation with you. Yet the reality is, this is not an ordinary man. 

the eternal life giving encounter

This is the Eternal Voice who said to the waters in the beginning, ‘Become the waters above and the waters below.’ Yet in this moment in time, He has the same physical, human needs as you. He too is hot, weary and appears to be all alone. He sits by the well, waiting patiently for you. The truth is, He has come to this place just to encounter you. 

With the common need of water, the Eternal Voice who has become human, begins a conversion about water with you. For it was the water that has brought you both together. 

The Eternal Voice who had become human, uses His natural creation to reveal a spiritual truth. A truth that is so profound, it changes your life for all eternity. He said, Give Me a drink.’ 

The Eternal Voice who declared water into existence, asks you for a drink! He could of commanded the sands of the desert to turn into rivers of waters, yet He said to you, Give Me a drink.’ 

In doing so He is giving you respect. He is breaking down the barriers of fear and shame that dwell deep within humanity. 

He knows your situation and all your needs, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Most of all he has compassion, and feels the pain of how people have rejected you and even considered you ‘unclean’.

Yet He is willing to not only cross the cultural divide and come to you, but He is desiring to drink from the same cup as you. So He asks, ‘Would you please give me a drink of water?’

You are so shocked that He is even speaking to you. 

the gift of living water

Then He speaks to you again. ‘If you knew the gift of the Eternal One and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked and he would have given you living water.’ 

You begin to realise that this is an intimate and beautiful moment. 

For The Eternal Voice is so humble that He has personally come into your world, to drink from the same cup as you. This is a demonstration of an unfathomable amount of unconditional love. This love is unlike human love. It is a divine love that is perfect and selfless. A love you have never encountered before. 

For the Eternal One never uses His power for self gain. He only uses His power for the benefit of others. 

Jesus the Eternal Voice was breaking down the barriers that would block humanity from receiving the Eternal One’s unconditional love and amazing grace. With His truth He opened your heart by tearing down humanity’s false perceptions of the Eternal One and self. 

The Eternal Voice responds ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’

Now your thoughts and attentions are turned to your deeper need. The need for this living water, to drink freely from the divine each and every day.

For when you drink of this living water that Jesus gives, all shame and sense of isolation will be gone. The Eternal Voice speaks truth and life into humanity’s heart and mind. 

What a promise He gives. When the Eternal Voice speaks it is so! 

the spiritual water of life eternal

Jesus the Eternal Voice states, ‘Receive me and you receive My spirit. My Spirit is Living Waters from heaven that will become a fountain within you, springing up into everlasting life. 

The first aspect of water is that water is essential for life. Jesus the divine light is the source of the Living Waters, the Holy Spirit, that is essential for eternal life.

Jesus brings the heavenly realm into the heart and mind of the earthly. The immortal into the mortal. The infinite into the finite.

He knows all things. So you ask, ‘Where can I get this living water?’

Again He turns your thoughts to the Eternal Ones natural creation. In the natural, water flows from the highest point down to the lowest point. It’s flows down from the sky, down the mountains, into the sea, a lake, a river, a dam, a pond or a puddle. Water is always searching for the lowest point.

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, the Holy Spirit, the living waters, or spiritual rain of the divine flows directly down from the throne of the Eternal One in heaven, through Jesus, to us on earth.

The river of the water of eternal life is as clear as crystal, perfect, holy and pure. As it is the very essence of the Eternal One and His Eternal Voice being poured out on the earth.

This river is always flowing. It never ceases as it is a continuous river of eternal life. Jesus the Eternal Voice said that, ‘rivers of living waters will flow from within.”  When the Eternal Voice speaks it is so.

power to worship in spirit and truth

The second aspect of water is that it flows from high to low. The Eternal One through His Eternal Voice is the source of the Living Waters, the Holy Spirit.

In the natural, as water flows and gathers momentum, it generates power. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, as the Living Waters flow freely from the Eternal One, through Jesus to us, we have His power to worship in spirit and in truth. To be led into all truth and carry the presence of the Eternal One to others. 

Your mind goes back to that moment at the well when Jesus, the Eternal Voice walked the earth as a man. He talked about the secrets of the heart. Secrets that only the divine would know. 

The power of the Eternal One is revealed through so many different ways. Through His natural creation, words of divine knowledge, healings signs and wonders, visions and dreams, but most all through the Eternal Voice who became human. 

The Eternal Ones’ heart’s desire is that no one should perish and all who are willing will come to Him. So by receiving the Eternal Voice, we receive His living waters. His living waters welling up within empower us to have a heart to heart connection with the divine and testify of Him. He empowers us to see into the unseen. 

In the Eternal Ones’ creation, as light passes through the water, the invisible colours of light become visible. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, the Holy Spirit gives us power to see the unseen and know and experience the Eternal One. 

seeing the unseen

Our eyes are opened to the supernatural, as we drink freely the living waters of the divine. Never again shall you thirst. Together with the Holy Spirit of Eternal One, we testify and say all who are thirsty come. Come and drink freely the living waters of the divine. 

The third aspect of water is that it empowers. The Living Waters, the Holy Spirit of the Eternal One gives us power to know and experience the Eternal One and see into the unseen.

To sum up:

The first aspect of water is that it is essential for life. Jesus the divine light is the source of the Living Waters, the Holy Spirit, essential for eternal life.

The second aspect of water is that it flows from high to low. The Eternal One through His Eternal Voice is the source of the Living Waters, the Holy Spirit.

The third aspect of water is that it empowers. The Living Waters, the Holy Spirit gives us power to know and experience the Eternal One and see into the unseen.


unsearchable mysteries> son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom> the miracles of the wilderness journey>


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