the unsearchable mysteries – stars

Topic: Natural and Spiritual Creation. Stars. The Unsearchable Mysteries Series> Category: Power> Truth> 

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Following on from last week’s message [Unsearchable Mysteries – Fruit] we will continue our journey through The Unsearchable Mysteries Series.

A long time ago, after the Eternal One, through His Eternal Voice spoke light into the darkness, separated the waters to make the sky above and the waters below, said to the dry ground sprout seed bearing vegetation and it was so. Again He was waiting for just the right moment. 

Then it happened! 

Into the heavens the Eternal One spoke. He said, ‘Let there be lights in the heavens to divide the day from night, and be as signs for the seasons, days and years. They shall be set in the heavens to be the light on the earth.’ 

Immediately, at the voice of the Eternal One, it was so. He made two great lights, the greater to the rule the day and the lesser to rule the night. In the heavens the Eternal One placed the sun, moon and stars.

Exactly three time spans after the Eternal One spoke light into existence, He placed the lights in the heavens. The Eternal Father, the Eternal Voice and the Eternal Spirit, together as one created. 

Once again this was a personal expression of His love for us. He created with such awe and wonder, beauty and splendour, majesty and detail.  

The Eternal One created the seen and unseen. The lights that governs the earth and the invisible lights way off in the distance that are yet to be seen.

For through the Eternal Voice of the Eternal One, the lights in the heavens were created. The sun, moon and the stars were created and it was good! 

the stars of the night sky

Each star unique, individually sparkling and collectively lighting up the dark heavens. A star shines from the inside out, is formed under great pressure and points the way.

A star is made from a cloud of dust. Under great pressure it rotates, then energy is created and a centre is formed. With even more pressure, it rotates faster. Shafts of light burst out from deep within the darkness. It’s visible light sparkling in the night sky. For the darker the darkness, the brighter the star shines.

Just before dawn, the night is at its darkest. It is at this time that the morning star appears to shine its brightest. 

The stars power to sparkle comes from the inside or centre of it’s heart. From within its centre the star shines out. 

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

In the spiritual, the Eternal Voice and the Eternal Spirit reveal the unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One. Once again the Eternal Voice uses His natural creation. His words go deep, as they are filled with unconditional love for you. 

The Eternal One who through His Eternal Voice placed the light into the heavens, speaks intimately and personally to you. 

‘By being in relationship with Me, you have My divine light in you. For I am in your heart and the centre of your life. 

stars formed from the inside out

Each day as we journey together, each day surrender and receive from Me. Surrender any hurts or offences, any victories or defeats, any challenges or selfish desires. Just give them to Me. I will grow the good in you and take away the bad. Just give me that moment. To surrender and receive from Me. Let Me serve you and I will pour more of My eternal character into you. I am eternal, and their is always more with Me. 

Hold on to My words, for they are truth and life. You are My light that sparkles in this dark and dying world. It is My light deep within your heart that people see in you. Remember Me, I am the one who enables you to sparkle.’ 

Your thoughts are running fast. Jesus the Eternal Voice knows all things. He breaks through the darkness with His truth. 

the heart that shines

Let me tell you the story of two brothers or sisters:

One brother or sister said in their heart. ‘I want to do the will of Father God in heaven. My Father’s will for me is to set up an orphanage. To have a safe place and nurturing environment for children to live. Where they are loved and cared for. This I will do, for this is the will of My Father for me and these precious children. 

The other brother or sister said in their heart. ‘I want to live my life for myself, be an important person and respected by the community. So I will set up an orphanage. I will tell people it will be a safe place and nurturing environment for children to live. I know the children will love me and I will get respect from the community. This I will do.

To the community both brothers or sisters were doing a good work. But only one is shining the divine light of our Eternal Father in heaven. Only one is His star that sparkles. The one who sparkles is the one who is surrendered to the Eternal Father’s will. Out of our Eternal Father’s heart’s desire in them, His light shines into the darkness of this world. To the glory of our Eternal Father. So that the world may know Him and Jesus whom He sent.’

You remembering the story. Both are doing a good work. Yet only one is shining the light of our Eternal Father in heaven. The first one is surrendered to our Father’s will and His light is shining like a star in this dark and dying world. 

the divine light is our light

Each day surrendered to the Father’s will, receiving more of Him, His light is our light and His heart is our heart. 

It is the light of the Eternal that shines from the inside out.

The first aspect of a star is that it shines from the inside out. Jesus the divine light, shines inside us out to others. 

how a star is formed

A star is formed under great pressure. Without the outside pressure, there is no energy created. As without the energy, there is no light. Without light there is no star.

Once again the Eternal Voice turns your thoughts to His natural creation. 

‘So imagine with me for a moment. You look up into the night sky. All the stars are there. Then this little star way off in the distance catches your eye. But a storm cloud passes by. It blocks your view of the star. You can no longer see its sparkling light. 

Then the storm cloud moves on. The little star that you were gazing upon is still there. It was sparkling all the time! You just couldn’t see it in amongst the storm. You realise the storm cloud has no power to stop the star from shining from the inside out.’

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

The Eternal One speaks. ‘Persecution or the circumstances of this world can come. Sickness and many trials can be there. For these are the End Times and as the darkness gets darker, the brighter the stars sparkle and shine. 

As the pressures of this world come, know this. They do not come from Me. Therefore rejoice that they cannot overcome you, for I have overcome the world. I live in you and it is My light and love in you that the world will see, for you are my disciple. 

Think upon whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.’ 

see the stars that sparkle

Your thoughts again are running fast. To think on whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy is difficult. But you realise that the only One who is these things is the Eternal One. You are overwhelmed to think that the Eternal Voice speaks them over you. For the words spoken by the Eternal Voice are true and it is so.

His gentle whispers break through your thoughts. ‘As you surrender to Me and receive more from Me, you will be able to rejoice always. For my joy in you is not determined by circumstances, for I am the Eternal Voice, who is the divine light. 

Again look to My natural creation. See the stars as they sparkle. Bursting out of the darkness, formed out of a cloud of dust.’

You realise the Eternal One is even more awesome, more wonderful than His own creation. For He alone is truly noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.

light of love

‘Know this My beloved. That My transforming work that I do in you, will bring you to a place where you will know and experience that nothing, absolutely nothing will seperate you from My love. You will be able to say, no longer do circumstances control you. For you are truly free! No matter how you feel, no matter what happens, you can praise our Eternal Father in heaven. For you know and experience that our Eternal Father in heaven only gives goods gifts and that the pressure and troubles in this world are not from Him.

Always remember I give all Myself to you from the heart of our Father in heaven. It is because of our great love for you that I’ve come, given My Eternal Waters to you. Remember, you will bear much fruit in season and out of season for this is the will of our Eternal Father.

For I am the divine light. I have overcome the darkness of evil and the selfish desires of humanity. In my human life, death and resurrection, I hold the eternal destiny of light and life in my nail pierced hands. Know this, I have rescued you forever and ever.’

The second aspect of a star is that it shines in great pressure. The Eternal One through His Eternal Voice and His Living Waters, the Holy Spirit, empower us to know the truth and shine in any circumstance. 

stars to show the way

Again the Eternal Voice turns your thoughts to His natural creation to reveal the unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One. 

In days of old, people used the stars to navigate or find their way. As each star is created to be unique and different, the students of the stars could work out their position in relation to that star and determine which way to go, north, south, east or west. The Eternal One used a star to reveal Himself to the students of the stars. A special unique star that was used to point the way to the Eternal Voice who became a vulnerable baby.  

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

The Eternal Voice declares. ‘My people when surrendering and receiving from Me are like the stars pointing the way to Me. As for Me, Jesus, I am the brightest divine light pointing the way to our Eternal Father in heaven.  

You My beloved are like a star in the night sky, pointing the way to Me.’

the blind folded traveller

Imagine, there is a blindfolded traveller wandering aimlessly. The Eternal Voice, Jesus is standing in the distance. As a disciple of Jesus, they have His Eternal Spirit with them as they journey through this life. Therefore the disciple of Jesus knows and sees Jesus. The disciple of Jesus and the Eternal Spirit walk together towards Jesus. As they do, they see the blind folded traveller. Observing that the blind folded traveller cannot see where they are going, the disciple of Jesus is led by the Eternal Spirit to stop. Take the traveller who cannot see by the arm and slowly walk together. They journey together, walking toward Jesus. Having arrived together and are now with Jesus, the traveller who is blind folded still cannot see. Then it happened. The Eternal Spirit lifts the blindfold off the traveller. The traveller can immediately see Jesus and the way to the Eternal One.

The third aspect of a star is that it points the way. The Living Waters, the Holy Spirit gives us power to know and experience the Eternal One, hear His Eternal Voice and see into the unseen. Being transformed by Him, pointing to Jesus, who points to our Eternal Father in heaven.

In an ancient culture there is a song. ‘Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go, if you did not sparkle so.’

three aspects of a star

The first aspect of a star is that it shines from the inside out. Jesus the divine light, the bright morning star shines inside of us to those around us.

The second aspect of a star is that it shines in great pressure. The Eternal One through His Eternal Voice and His Living Waters, the Holy Spirit, empower us to know the truth and shine in any circumstance. 

The third aspect of a star is that it points the way. The Living Waters, the Holy Spirit gives us power to know and experience the Eternal One, hear His Eternal Voice and see into the unseen. Being transformed by Him, pointing to Jesus, who points to our Eternal father in heaven.


unsearchable mysteries> son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom> the miracles of the wilderness journey>


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