the unsearchable mysteries – light

Topic: Natural and Spiritual Creation. The Unsearchable Mysteries Series> Category: Power> Truth> 

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A long time ago, before the mountains arose and the water flowed, before the sun would shine and the birds would sing, before any herb had grown and the first man and woman walked the earth, there was nothing. Nothing to hear, nothing to see, nothing to feel, just nothing. 

There was darkness and chaos all around. Yet even in the darkness, even in the chaos, there was the Eternal One.  In Him is light and life. He was and is and always will be, for He is the Eternal One. 

Before the beginning He was there. The great spirit of light and life was hovering over the deep. Waiting… waiting… waiting… for just the right moment. 

Then it happened! Into the darkness, the Eternal One spoke. He said ‘Let there be… light!’ At the voice of the Eternal One, immediately there was light. Light burst forth into the darkness. It was spectacular, glorious and wonderful. This was the beginning of time itself.

The Eternal One, filled His creation with His breath of life and light. He created the seen and unseen qualities of light, in both the heavens and on the earth. The visible glow and the invisible colours of light were there. For through the Eternal Voice of the Eternal One, light was created.  

Light was created and it was good!

The unsearchable mysteries of the Eternal One who created all things

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual, as the Eternal One created all things.

Light reveals itself, it also illuminates and pushes back the darkness. It expresses the awe and wonder of the Eternal One and His Eternal Voice. Light helps us see into the unseen.

The Unsearchable Mysteries of The Eternal Voice

In a moment in human history, the Eternal One, His Eternal Voice, the divine light, stepped down into our darkness and shone His glorious light. He became one of us and entered into our world, bringing heaven down to us. 

Personally and intimately, the divine light, the Eternal Voice revealed Himself and the Eternal One. For He was full of light and life, grace and truth. He showed us the unseen. For He was and is the visible expression of the invisible great spirit who created. He is the Eternal Voice who through Him all things were created. His name is Jesus.

Jesus, the Eternal Voice and divine light walked through His own creation as a man. Illuminating the heart of the Eternal One in all that He said, thought and did. 

In the everyday, Jesus revealed the unconditional love of the Eternal One. He did life with those who would follow Him.

In amongst the multitudes and daily needs, there were special moments of intimacy and revelation. Jesus cooked breakfast for them, desired to be with them and showed to them the unsearchable mysteries of God’s glory.

In one moment in time, Jesus together with three of His followers, Peter, James and John, went up a high mountain. They were away from the multitudes. It was just them and Jesus. 

Then it happened. 

Before their very eyes, Jesus shone like the brightest of light. A light brighter than any human eyes had ever seen. Even greater than the intense light of the sun. The light was so pure, so perfect, so bright. Even Jesus’ human clothes became white as this brightest of lights. Shafts of light radiated off Jesus. Bursting forth from within His earthly body, out into the darkness of this world and the hearts of humanity. 

the glory and splendour of the Eternal One

This light from within Jesus, was the visible expression of the divine nature, glory and splendour of the Eternal One. At that very moment the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father, had lavished His honour and glory upon Jesus, to reveal to humanity, that the Eternal Voice who had become human. 

At that moment, the Eternal One in heaven, enveloped Himself in a cloud and spoke to Peter, James and John. He testified of who Jesus is and said, ‘This is my Son, my beloved Son who is the Eternal Voice of me. In Him is light and life. He has come from my heart, to set humanity free. In this I am well pleased. Listen to Him.’

Hearing this truth and receiving this revelation, all three followers fell facedown to the ground terrified. They were seeing into the unseen. Yet in amongst their fear and trembling, Jesus the Eternal Voice came close to them. He touched them gently and said, ‘Do not be afraid, get up.’ 

At the words of the Eternal Voice, all three followers of Jesus, looked up and saw only Jesus. At that moment all their fear had gone. 

The first aspect of created light is that it reveals itself. 

Jesus the divine light, reveals the glory of God. Jesus reveals He is the Eternal Voice who created light and became human, sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father. 

Another moment in time when Jesus, the divine light walked the earth as a man shining His glorious light was this. 

the unsearchable mysteries of light and truth

It was market day. Many people had gathered in the town. As Jesus was walking along the road, His followers saw a man who was blind since birth. They asked of Jesus, ‘Did this man or his parents do something wrong that caused him to be born blind?’ 

Jesus, the divine light, the Eternal Voice who became human, knows all things. He sees into the heart of humanity. How false perceptions of the Eternal One, self and others held humanity captive. 

Even knowing the dark secrets of humanity, Jesus the divine light, the Eternal Voice that is full of light and life, came to illuminate the truth and set humanity free. In His truth, love and power, the Eternal Voice brings freedom to the captives.

So Jesus responds, ‘Neither this man, nor His parents did a bad thing to cause him to be born blind.’ 

These words shocked His followers and all who heard. For they had reasoned in their hearts that sickness was punishment for doing a bad thing.

Jesus continued. ‘I will reveal to you what is the work of the Eternal One, the work of God the Father. For I am the Eternal Voice, the divine light, sent from the heart of the Eternal One, into this dark world to illuminate His work of light and life.’

Right before their eyes, Jesus spat into the dust of the earth and made clay with His saliva. The very earth that in the beginning He spoke into existence and was good. That same earth which humanity corrupted with their selfish desires. 

All eyes were watching and waiting… Then Jesus anointed the eyes of the blind man by placing the clay He had personally made with His own hands, over the blind man’s eyes.

eyes opened to the unsearchable mysteries

Jesus the Eternal Voice said to the man who was born blind, ‘Go wash in the pool of Siloam. The man who was born blind went and washed in the pool of Siloam. It was just as Jesus had said. The man who was born blind returned to Jesus. His eyes were now alive with sight. The man who was born blind could now see! 

The Eternal Voice who through Him all things good were created, illuminated the truth of the Eternal One. 

He demonstrated intimately and personally to the man who was born blind how the Eternal One brings healing. Jesus personally turned the dust and dirt of the earth that was corrupted by humanity, into anointed clay and healing.

All could now see the glory of God and hear the Eternal Voice. Jesus revealed to His followers and all who were willing to receive that sickness was not from the Eternal One. The Eternal One does not allow sickness or evil to happen, as He does not manipulate or control others. For He is light and life. 

His work is salvation and healing, deliverance and freedom. Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world. I have come to rescue humanity forever and ever.’

The second aspect of created light is that it illuminates. 

Jesus the divine light, illuminates the truth. The truth about the Eternal One, self and others, revealing humanity’s need for a saviour. Sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father to set humanity free.

Another moment in time when Jesus, the divine light walked the earth as a man shining His glorious light was this. 

stronger than the darkness

It was festival time. One of the biggest religious festivals of the culture. The crowds had gathered. Men, women, boys, girls, the religious, government officials, soldiers and criminals. All were there for the public exhibition of human injustice, cruelty and shame. 

It was the darkest time in human history. Yet the darker the darkness, the brighter the light shines. Only light can push back the darkness and overcome it.

Jesus, the Eternal Voice, the divine light, subjected Himself to the full human condition, shining His glorious light. As the recipient of the injustices of humanity, He was an innocent man, given the treatment of a criminal. He was tortured at the hands of humanity. His flesh was ripped apart. A crown of thorns was placed on His head and twisted into His skull to maximise the pain. 

He was mocked and publicly shamed. 

Yet knowing He was innocent, humanity’s selfish desires still cried out, ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him! For someone has to pay! Someone has to pay the cost for all the injustices of this world. For all the offences ever said thought or done. The injustice of death, darkness and shame. Humanity,S selfish desires cry out, someone has to pay.

Jesus knowing the dark secrets of humanity’s heart willingly sacrificed Himself for humanity, to set humanity free. 

The hour had now come. It was night and very dark. Yet in the darkness, chaos all around once again the Eternal Voice speaks light and life. This time personally and intimately. 

‘It is time for me to give my life as a blood sacrifice for all the bad things humanity has said, thought and done throughout the ages. My sacrifice is for you. As I am above time, my sacrifice is offences past, present and future. 

the unsearchable mysteries of the divine light

Permit my sacrifice for you, receive it, as it is for this reason that I have come. Remember this moment and how I have come from the heart of the Eternal One into your darkness. I the Eternal Voice, the divine light. I will pay the cost, defeat death and push back the darkness, all for you.’

Then it happened. The Eternal Voice was nailed to the cross. His innocent human blood, falling down into the dirt and darkness of humanity. 

Out of the darkness, the Eternal Voice once again speaks light and life. ‘I love you. I have given my life willingly for you. It is done. I did it all for you.’

Time passed. The Eternal Voice is risen from death to life! 

To His followers He speaks, ‘Fear not for I am the divine light. I have overcome the darkness of evil and the selfish desires of humanity. In my human life, death and resurrection, I hold the eternal destiny of light and life in my nail pierced hands. Know this, I have rescued you forever and ever. 

Now as you journey through this life, tell all tribes, all peoples everywhere the good news. And remember I am with you always until the end of this age. For behold, all we see when I return in all my resurrected glory, you are mine and I am yours. Forever and ever amen.

The third aspect of created light is that it pushes back the darkness and has overcome it. 

Jesus the divine light, pushes back the darkness and has overcome it. Jesus reveals He is the Eternal Voice who created light and became human, sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father to push back the darkness and overcome it. 

To sum up:

The first aspect of created light is that it reveals itself. Jesus the divine light, reveals the glory of God. Jesus reveals He is the Eternal Voice who created light and became human, sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father. 

The second aspect of created light is that it illuminates. Jesus the divine light, illuminates the truth. The truth about the Eternal One, self and others, revealing humanity’s need for a saviour. Sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father to set humanity free.

The third aspect of created light is that it pushes back the darkness and has overcome it. Jesus the divine light, pushes back the darkness and has overcome it. Jesus reveals He is the Eternal Voice who created light and became human, sent from the Eternal One in heaven, God the Father to push back the darkness and overcome it. 


unsearchable mysteries> son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom> the miracles of the wilderness journey>


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