Topic: The Word of God. Category: Truth
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Out of nothing You created. At Your Word the universe came into existence. With Your voice creation took form and shape. Chaos surrendered to order and light eclipsed the darkness.
You spoke and it was so.
Energy broke out and life filled the void. The stars twinkled and the galaxies formed. The moon and the sun were placed in the heavens, to divide the day from night and determine the seasons.
Vegetation sprung forth. All the living creatures were formed. The bird song greeted the new day dawn. You said, Be fruitful and multiply according to your own kind and it was so.
At your word you gave divine revelation, to individuals, prophets and nations. You pledged your intimate love with covenants and promises. You pronounced a blessing and gave dominion to the first man and woman.
With Noah and every living creature you spoke out your promise and set your bow of colour in the sky. You said to Abram that You are His protector and exceedingly great reward. To Moses you spoke from a burning bush and declared deliverance and healing.
Through prophets you declared waters in the dust and streams in the desert.
To David through his seed, you promised to be the saviour and establish Your everlasting kingdom.
Your words are equitable and eternal, dynamic and powerful, gentle and loving, purposeful and fruitful, full of grace and truth. They light our path to the way of everlasting.
Before time was measured, You were there, remaining ever present, faithful and true. Your voice brought Your thoughts into action and revealed Your heart’s desire toward us. At Your word comes revelation and salvation, reconciliation and protection, wisdom and understanding. It is life giving and life transforming.
your word became flesh
In a moment in human history, your voice became flesh and dwelt amongst us. This is the ultimate expression of Yourself to us. You alone are the answer to the search for truth.
As You walked the earth as a man, You spoke out Your word, opening the eyes of our understanding to Old Testament text. Healing the sick and raising the dead, training up leaders to be part of Your wonders. Calming the storm, turning water into wine, casting out demons, with signs and wonders. All this at Your word.
Many people gathered to hear from You. You declared justice for the oppressed, liberty to the captives, had compassion for the hungry, and comfort for those who mourn. You spoke blessing and thanksgiving over five loaves and two fishes, instantly they multiplied, feeding over 5,000.
By every word You speak, the lies and deception of the evil one are exposed. They are cast down, disarmed and defeated.
At Your command heavenly hosts do Your will. You said, I am and Your enemies drew back and fell to the ground.
Surrendered to our Father’s will, on the cross you cried ‘it is finished.’ You the Eternal One died in the flesh but Your word lives on. Your flesh rose from the dead and spoke everlasting life and light over us.
You uphold all things by the power of Your Word, commands that You speak, become promises that You fullfill. At the sound of Your voice, the broken are raised up and all fear is gone. With Your assurance you unlock the chains around our thoughts and hearts. The lies and doubts that were deep inside, are cast out, have no place and nowhere in us to abide.
at your word it is so
In Your gentle whisper of love, You call each one of us by name. Every word that You speak, in that secret place of our hearts brings peace, love and joy.
You declare it, we receive it. It’s Your incorruptible seed that You have sown into our hearts.
We are who You say we are – chosen, appointed, redeemed and reconciled. Saved, cleansed and justified. A king and priest, a conqueror and overcomer. Your beloved, adopted, forgiven and established in You. Made alive, transformed, renewed and empowered. Strengthened, safe and secure living in a place of rest in You.
At Your whisper, we hear the freedom sound, the battle cry of the war You have won. We stand in the truth of Your words, living within and around. Holding high Your sword of the Spirit, in Your power and authority we proclaim Your Gospel. To the ends of the earth Your message goes testifying to the powers who try to oppose.
The unstoppable force of Your truth, love and power. In Your authority we speak Your word and our Father’s will into the darkness.
Chains are broken, captives set free, bringing healing to the nations.
Nothing can stand against Your word. Long before we see it, You declare it.
Your voice that sounds of many waters echoes who You are. The beginning and the end, who was and is and is to come.
Let our ears hear what you say, by your spirit, to your people. As you speak it Lord it is so.
i am that i am
‘I am the living one who was dead, now behold I am alive for ever more. For it is the truth. I am the faithful and true witness, the Lord of your destiny, holding the power of life and death in my nailed pierced hands.
I walk in your midst. Look into my eyes of fire, they burn for you. I have the key of David and look I have set before you an open door, a door that no one can shut. For I am the faithful and true witness. I am that I am.
Listen that no one deceive you. Do not be fearful of wars or rumours of wars, as these things must come to pass. For nation rises against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
In this life troubles are there, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, fear and death. All of these things are not from Me. Be of good cheer, I have overcome them all.
Yes the whole earth will lie in darkness, the sun, moon and stars will be overpowered. When I return I will appear across the sky like lightening for all to see. All the tribes of the earth will mourn at My coming for they rejected Me.
You will rejoice and see the victory.
at my word my promises are fulfilled
To you My overcomers, I will give you free access and right to eat from the tree of life forever. It is in paradise, where the clear as crystal, pure water of life flows, from the throne of God our Father and Me. Here in our Father’s house there is a place for you. There is no more curse, evil, death, sorrow or pain.
The street of pure gold is like transparent glass, and either side of the river, look the tree of life is there. It has fruits every month, an eternal tree with leaves that are for the healing of the nations. You will eat of it freely for all eternity. Remain in Me.
As I am the first and the last, the Eternal One who came in human flesh, died and came to life, having conquered death, I give My victory crown of eternal life to you. Do not look for me in the empty tomb. I am here with you in your current affliction. Even though you may have persecution, isolation and economic poverty due to the injustices of this world, you are rich beyond measure. You are faithful because you remain in me and I in you. You are victorious as you have My victors’ crown of life everlasting. In Me, My faithfulness and victory you can trust.
my eternal kingdom is yours
I will give you some of the hidden manna to eat. You are My beloved bride made worthy and declared innocent through My blood. As you have received Me, I have clothed You in fine linen bright and clean. You will sit with Me at the royal banquet table and together we will have a continual love feast with the Living God. This is Your eternal home in Me. I will give you full entry and rights into My Kingdom. I have given you my name.
Look into My eyes of fire, you have My power and authority, My presence and position, inheritance and love. You have rejected false prophets and satan’s plans of corruption and destruction.
Therefore you stand and abide in My love, truth and power. You live in My victory.
With Me you shall participate in My final judgement of the empires of humanity that opposed Me. I will smash them to pieces like fragile pottery. You will have My justice and My power over them and reign with Me.
Hold on tight to My truth. I give you My victory over the nations.
I have received all things from our Father and I give all things to You. Personally I promise all this to You. I am your prize, your exceedingly great reward and your victory.
The Holy Spirit testifies of Me and is one with Me. You heard My truth, received it, hold on to it. You will walk with Me, clothed in white in My triumphant procession. I acknowledge You before all in heaven, before the angels and our Father.
You have kept My word and endured patiently. I will keep you and make you a pillar in the temple of My God, your God, our Father.
dwell together forever
We will dwell together in God’s perfect world in intimacy with Him. A place of complete peace. Where there is no more crying, nor sorrow, nor curse, nor evil or pain. You will dwell with Me there forever. Safe and free never again will you leave.
Together you have the right to sit on My throne, just as I am victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne.
You have My name, My identity, My Kingdom and glory, forever and ever.
Here I am! To those who have yet to receive Me, know and listen to My voice, open your hearts and let Me in. I will come in and be one with you.
Behold I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me. Surely I am coming and will come to you. For as I speak it, it is so.’
Jesus Christ is King. Your word is wisdom, justice and truth. You rule and reign and will return. On a white horse with the legions of heaven. Your robe dripped in blood and evil eliminated. The nations healed and creation renewed. Until that day, we and your Spirit say, ‘all who are thirsty come.’
At Your word Lord the impossible is done. The hardest of hearts transformed, relationships renewed, Your kingdom has come.
It is time to testify through one man’s account. With tears in his eyes he said, this servant of God comes with these three: peace, love and faith. She prophesied many things. I once said to her face, “Not possible, as you do not know the heart and mind of these people.” I remember her reply: “This maybe so but I know the heart and mind of God. It is His Word and vision. With Him all things are possible.” She comes with the resurrection power and anointed Word of God. In the teaching and preaching of His Words she has brought to us the light. This has been fulfilled. What I said was not possible, I have witnessed it all come to pass. She told us when we surrender to Him, we will know the truth, His revelation and will.
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Sermon categories: son of man> love of God> hope and healing> know God> truth> power> end times> experience God> life> success in life> kingdom>
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