sermon topic : power

only God

Only God can heal and transform the deep rooted negative image of self and transform shame into honour. Despite negative words spoken over Jabez, God declared of Jabez that he was more honourable than his brothers. Journey with Jabez and discover the heart of God and aspects to effective prayer.


tale of two kings

The creator of heaven and earth and all things good is not a master controller up there in heaven manipulating people and situations for His own gain. That is the way of humanity. Yet even in the darkness God is still working, continually pursuing in love, both the good and the bad. This is the tale of two kings.


search for truth

Everyone is searching for something. It has been said that the ends of life are these three: truth in knowledge or wisdom, life in devotion or emotion and justice in good deeds or works. Another will say the meaning of life is found in truth, beauty and goodness. Yet another will say that truth is relative.
