God’s final goal is uniting all things in heaven and earth in Christ Jesus. God chose to sum up the cosmos and restore peace and harmony to the universe through Jesus. It is in Jesus that we consolidate.
consolidate – the word for this season

Jesus knows His time has come to leave this world and return to God the Father. He will carry the full force of human brokenness, depravity and shame. Suffer public humiliation, torture and pain. Through a total violation of all cultural boundaries He was about to demonstrate the love of the servant king.
Through both the Old and New Testament of God’s love story – the Bible, there are significant references to treasure. There are different types of treasure. For there is physical treasure, spiritual treasure, earthly treasure and treasures of the heart.
Today we will go back to the time when God, the Eternal One made a covenant of love that was sealed in blood. A covenant being a mutual, binding agreement or pledge of an alliance to each other.
Even before God created He knew that in a moment of time in human history, He would become one of us. Come down from heaven to earth and cloth Himself in humanity. It is this moment that we celebrate Christmas.
God continually pursues humanity in love. Revealing Himself in ways that we can understand. God does not need the sacrifice, yet He became the sacrifice to set humanity free from the destructive forces.
Through literary flair shaped by culture, our creator communicates to us in words filled with emotion and passion. His longing for each individual is deep, intimate and personal. As we are the object of God’s yearning, He continually woos us and reaches into our hearts. We are His true love and He invites us in.
God the Father’s desire is that no one should perish. So Jesus came from the Father’s heart to us. To open the way for eternal salvation and healing – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The destructive powers that death, evil and selfish desires had over humanity, needed to be broken so Jesus gave His life.
As we journey through this life, many things happen. If certain events or a person does not live up to our expectations, we can loose perspective and become unsettled. Yet God is there with us and draws us ever so close.
At the empty tomb opposites collide. Earth and heaven, darkness and light, mourning and gladness, hate and love, temporary and eternal. Let us go back in time, to that moment at the empty tomb. Just two days ago they had crucified our Lord.
At the cross opposites collide. Earth and heaven, death and life, humanity and God, shame and honour, bondage and freedom, suffering and salvation. Let us go back in time, to that moment at the cross. It is Friday. Today is preparation day, the day before Passover.
In the garden opposites collide. Earth and heaven, evil and good, humanity and God, self will and God’s will, bondage and freedom, surrender and victory. Let us go back in time to that moment in the garden at the foot of the mountain.