Today we are going to journey through a Psalm that is believed to be written by David. Through the highs and lows of David’s turbulent life, in the midst of all his stuff of his flesh, David knew that he could trust in God.
true freedom
Throughout history freedom has been the cry of both the oppressed and the oppressor. In the name of freedom battles have been fought and lives have been lost. Yet freedom, true freedom, is not something we can realise ourselves or obtain by effort.
covenant of love sealed in blood
Today we will go back to the time when God, the Eternal One made a covenant of love that was sealed in blood. A covenant being a mutual, binding agreement or pledge of an alliance to each other.
come unto me and receive rest
Jesus makes a powerful statement to all who are weary and overburdened with religion to come to Him and He will give eternal rest. Rest and deliverance from the debilitating, destructive forces of evil, death and judgement.
ring of fire
Today we will do something different. We are going to experience a real life drama from thousands of years ago, titled Ring of Fire. The players of this drama are, a king, his servants, three Hebrew men who were in exile and of course God.
the eternal word became one of us
Even before God created He knew that in a moment of time in human history, He would become one of us. Come down from heaven to earth and cloth Himself in humanity. It is this moment that we celebrate Christmas.
God does not need the sacrifice
God continually pursues humanity in love. Revealing Himself in ways that we can understand. God does not need the sacrifice, yet He became the sacrifice to set humanity free from the destructive forces.
to know God
Do you really know the person closest to you? Do you know what they think and what motivates them with every action? Journey through Philippians 3:10-11 to know the fellowship of Jesus’ sufferings being conformed to His death and how to experience the power of His resurrection in this life.
Abide means to remain, stay, dwell, endure, continue, stand. To abide is intricately woven into the tapestry of success in this life and our eternal destiny. It reflects living in an intimate relationship with the Living God. A relationship that forms our identity. Discover what is to abide and the secret of success.
the value of a promise
If someone who has a reputation of being unfaithful gives you a promise, how much value would you give to that promise? Or if someone who has a reputation of being faithful gives you a promise, how much value would you give to that promise?
the wonder of worship
Journey back into time, when God speaks to King Solomon, who is building a temple. Discover the wonder of worship, the meaning of the temple, the testimony of the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord, as individuals come together in unity of Spirit to worship the Living God.
only God
Only God can heal and transform the deep rooted negative image of self and transform shame into honour. Despite negative words spoken over Jabez, God declared of Jabez that he was more honourable than his brothers. Journey with Jabez and discover the heart of God and aspects to effective prayer.