Being sent to the one – we will go deeper into Jesus’ words that He declared when He was in His home town of Nazareth. His mission was and is to bring salvation and healing, honour and equality, eternal life and freedom.
sent to the one – the leper

Being sent to the one – we will go deeper into Jesus’ words that He declared when He was in His home town of Nazareth. His mission was and is to bring salvation and healing, honour and equality, eternal life and freedom.
The Spirit of God is a surging, rushing, relentless wild river of life. Of healing and equality, refreshing and sustaining, strengthening and flourishing, that flows direct from the throne of God through Jesus to us.
There were so many people, the rich and the poor, the sick and the well, all doing life as best they could. In amongst the crowd of many people Jesus sees the need of the one and speaks hope into the hopelessness. Jesus brings light into the darkness, a darkness so dark it can be felt.
At the time of writing and throughout the ages, much has been thought and said about Job. His name means hated or persecuted. His story reveals a lot about humanity, the evil one and ultimately the heart of God. So let us listen to a summary of God’s dialogue with Job and receive a greater revelation of Him.
The players in this high drama are the disciples of Jesus (who are filled with Jesus’ presence, word and power), a lame man, the people in the temple, the priests, the religious leaders and of course God. In the name is all encompassing. So in the name of Jesus, ‘rise up and walk.’
With one touch from Jesus everything changes. Journey with Jesus, the community, the disciples, a leader and an outcaste woman to see how with one touch from Jesus everything changes. Physical healing, mental healing and spiritual healing.