kingdom of God seminars

The Kingdom of God is an integral part of the message and ministry of Jesus and the role of His disciples in His healing mission. These Kingdom of God seminars reveal deep spiritual truth regarding God and His kingdom. As a result each participant is empowered to live in the reality of His kingdom.

kingdom of God on earth

His eternal kingdom is a place of equality and respect, truth and justice, peace and harmony, restoration and healing, freedom for the captives and liberty for the oppressed. Each disciple has an identity, purpose and destiny in God’s kingdom.

Come a journey of discovery, to know and experience God’s great love and live in His transforming power. Download our free Kingdom of God Discipleship Program. As a result be empowered to empower others to know and experience God and His kingdom.

online seminars

Participate in our free online seminars. The online learning experience includes downloading the relevant worksheet and handouts. Follow the teaching and writing the answers on your worksheet. You can either choose to participate by listening to the audio file or watching the video through our jesus loves : the world – tv youtube channel.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to host an in-field seminar. Seminar topics include The Secret of Success, Leadership, Power and Authority, The Unsearchable Mysteries and the Kingdom of God Training Seminar.

To listen to weekly messages subscribe to our jesus loves : the world podcasts through our website player or your preferred podcast app such as apple podcastsspotifygoogle podcasts, amazon music, stitcheriHeart radio or TuneIn. Be blessed, empowered and transformed in Jesus’ name.

You can also connect with us through facebook, make use of our free resources, and subscribe to our YouTube channel and #ineverystep magazine. Together we share the good news with the world.

Kingdom of God Seminars

Kingdom of God Training

This training reveals God’s plan is in the children. Each participant is trained in how to effectively engage with children, helping them discover their Creator and His love for them.

Online Seminar Audio: Hindi> Video: Hindi>

Worksheets: English> Hindi> Bengali> Telugu> Tamil> Rongmei>

Vine Handout: English> Hindi> Odia> Bengali> Telugu> Tamil> Rongmei>

Child Development Chart: English> Hindi> Odia> Bengali> Telugu> Tamil> Rongmei> Marathi>