This life journey has many frequently asked bible questions (faqs). Such as who is Jesus, what is the kingdom of God, what is salvation and so on. God’s truth is found in His love story the Bible. However there appears to be some contradictions. For example if God is good, why is there evil. If God forgives all offences, then how can there be an unforgivable offence? Over the centuries God’s intended meaning of His written word to some degree was lost. As a result many different interpretations of scripture occurred, causing misunderstandings, confusion and disunity.
Consequently through this lack of knowledge many have formed God in their own image. Yet with increased knowledge and the tools to discover God’s intended meaning, now is the time to be established in His truth, rooted in His love and filled with the fullness of Him.
The Creator God is a relational God in perfect relationship with Himself. The Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are in complete oneness. One God. God does everything out of love. His love revealed in Jesus is perfected when we know and experience living in Him. It is from this revelation, in surrender of all preconceptions, that by His Spirit, God’s intended meaning is realised.
faqs – bible answers
Journey through our faqs to discover the answers to key Bible questions and receive a greater revelation of His love, truth and power.
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why is there evil?
God is the source of all things good. He created a perfect world where evil had no place. He created the first man and woman in His image, giving them equal dominion over all the earth. God also gave them the power of choice, to partake of life forever with Him or to partake of the knowledge of good and evil.

what is salvation?
Salvation is a gift from God to set humanity free. God Himself chose to become the eternal sacrifice. God the Father sent God the Son. His name is Jesus, who became flesh and blood, walked the earth as a man, revealed the love of the Father, and on the cross took upon His body all evil and all offences of humanity.

what is judgement?
Jesus the Son of God, at the time appointed by God the Father, will return to earth and judge the living and the dead. God desires that all be delivered from judgment. Therefore out of His great love, God Himself became the sacrifice, yet gives each person the choice to receive Him or reject Him.

who is jesus?
Is Jesus a prophet, or a myth, or one of many gods, or just a good man treated badly? Who is Jesus? What if He is God Himself? Imagine Jesus the Son of God, the divine light, the very essence of God, the Lord of eternity and destiny, the prince of peace, the King of glory, the beginning and the end the first and the last, gave up His heavenly riches and became a servant to humanity.

what is God’s will?
God’s will is that no one should perish. He does everything out of unconditional love to reconcile, restore and renew all things to Himself. He is relational, intimate and personal. His saving purpose planned before the beginning of time is to gather together in one all things in Jesus under His rule and reign.

who are saved?
All who choose to receive and believe Jesus’ eternal flesh and blood sacrifice of Himself receive His free gift of salvation. Saved from punishment, judgement, payment and guilt of all offences done against God and against each other. In receiving Jesus they become a child of God, being born of His Spirit. Become born of Spirit having received His Spirit have their identity in Him.

what is the kingdom of God?
The image of the Kingdom of God is an important one for understanding the message and ministry of Jesus and the role of His disciples in His healing mission. The King and His kingdom are eternal and one. Receive the King and receive His kingdom. Reject the king and reject His kingdom.

why no transformation?
God gives everyone a free choice, including all those who have received Him. God does not interfere with anyone’s will. If God’s people are not willing to surrender their selfish desires of power and control to the Father’s will, there is a blockage to experiencing the transforming power of the Spirit of God.

what is the unforgivable?
Jesus says in Mark 3:29. ‘…but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation.’ A person who knows the truth, yet attributes Jesus’ healing work to the works of evil, denies the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the pathway to their forgiveness.

what is lying to the holy spirit?
Lying to the Holy Spirit is a matter of life and death. Acts 5:1-11 speaks about ownership and allegiance. Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit in claiming to be saved or sealed with the Holy Spirit, when they were not. Ananias and Sapphira deliberately gave their allegiance to the evil one.

what brings sorrow to the holy spirit?
The Holy Spirit dwells within all who receive and believe Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself. His Spirit is a spirit of oneness and unity. God cares about our relationship with Him and each other. In Ephesians 4:25-32 the writer urges God’s people, do not bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit.

what is making disciples?
Making disciples of Jesus is God’s strategy in fulfilling His plan. God does everything out of unconditional love to reconcile, restore and renew all things to Himself. He gives every disciple a part in His healing mission. Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 “All authority has been given to Me therefore…