God’s love revealed in Jesus is perfected when we know and experience living in Him. jesus loves : the world sermon messages reveal the Kingdom of God in heart language.
These sermon messages reveal deep spiritual truth and give a clear understanding of God’s word. They are transforming lives, renewing minds and providing a heart to heart connection with God.
It is God the Father’s heart that no one should perish. His saving purpose planned before the beginning of time is to gather together in one all things in Jesus under His rule and reign. As a result God restores peace and harmony to the universe. In Jesus, the Kingdom of heaven came into this world damaged by evil. Setting us free from the bondage of self, evil and death.
know and experience God
There is no greater worth than knowing Jesus as saviour and Lord, intimately and personally. The secret of success is in relationship with Him. Each day living in a continual heart and mind condition of surrender to the Father’s will, coming into His presence drinking the living waters, listening to Him. As a result the Holy Spirit produces the fruit. However it is a daily process. Every moment is an opportunity to grow closer to God and let Him produce the fruit. There is always more with God.
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Our jesus loves : the world sermon messages are available in pdf format and are free to share and preach. They are currently available in several heart languages: English, Telugu, Nepali, Urdu, Tamil and Punjabi. To register your interest in receiving our life transforming messages in pdf format, please use our contact us form and include in the message which language you want to receive.
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come unto me and receive rest
Jesus makes a powerful statement to all who are weary and overburdened with religion to come to Him and He will give eternal rest. Rest and deliverance from the debilitating, destructive forces of evil, death and judgement.

God’s healing and redemptive mission
The Spirit of God is a surging, rushing, relentless wild river of life. Of healing and equality, refreshing and sustaining, strengthening and flourishing, that flows direct from the throne of God through Jesus to us.

the work of God
Having the compassion of God, Jesus stepped down into humanity’s darkness and shone His glorious light. He pushed back the darkness of false belief and religious striving, bringing revelation to the work of God and revealing His glorious light.

ring of fire
Today we will do something different. We are going to experience a real life drama from thousands of years ago, titled Ring of Fire. The players of this drama are, a king, his servants, three Hebrew men who were in exile and of course God.

live by faith
In this new season God has told us to run fast. He has made us alive to thrive, where we are empowered to live by faith, trusting inn Him, regardless of circumstances. He is the one who leads us beside the still waters and gives us rest, even within the storms of this life.

the eternal word became one of us
Even before God created He knew that in a moment of time in human history, He would become one of us. Come down from heaven to earth and cloth Himself in humanity. It is this moment that we celebrate Christmas.

the kingdom of heaven is like…
Surely those who arrive first should be first and those who arrive last should be last. Those who work more hours should be paid more. Yet Jesus reveals what is true justice according to God’s kingdom.

God does not need the sacrifice
God continually pursues humanity in love. Revealing Himself in ways that we can understand. God does not need the sacrifice, yet He became the sacrifice to set humanity free from the destructive forces.

hope and healing
There were so many people, the rich and the poor, the sick and the well, all doing life as best they could. In amongst the crowd of many people Jesus sees the need of the one and speaks hope into the hopelessness. Jesus brings light into the darkness, a darkness so dark it can be felt.

secret of success
As it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual as God created all things. Jesus uses His creation to reveal a deep spiritual truth to His disciples. Sit at the feet of the master and learn the secret of success in this life and the next. That is how to bear fruit, how to love one another and how to be a disciple.

to know God
Do you really know the person closest to you? Do you know what they think and what motivates them with every action? Journey through Philippians 3:10-11 to know the fellowship of Jesus’ sufferings being conformed to His death and how to experience the power of His resurrection in this life.

divine romance
Through literary flair shaped by culture, our creator communicates to us in words filled with emotion and passion. His longing for each individual is deep, intimate and personal. As we are the object of God’s yearning, He continually woos us and reaches into our hearts. We are His true love and He invites us in.