God’s love revealed in Jesus is perfected when we know and experience living in Him. jesus loves : the world sermon messages reveal the Kingdom of God in heart language.
These sermon messages reveal deep spiritual truth and give a clear understanding of God’s word. They are transforming lives, renewing minds and providing a heart to heart connection with God.
It is God the Father’s heart that no one should perish. His saving purpose planned before the beginning of time is to gather together in one all things in Jesus under His rule and reign. As a result God restores peace and harmony to the universe. In Jesus, the Kingdom of heaven came into this world damaged by evil. Setting us free from the bondage of self, evil and death.
know and experience God
There is no greater worth than knowing Jesus as saviour and Lord, intimately and personally. The secret of success is in relationship with Him. Each day living in a continual heart and mind condition of surrender to the Father’s will, coming into His presence drinking the living waters, listening to Him. As a result the Holy Spirit produces the fruit. However it is a daily process. Every moment is an opportunity to grow closer to God and let Him produce the fruit. There is always more with God.
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Our jesus loves : the world sermon messages are available in pdf format and are free to share and preach. They are currently available in several heart languages: English, Telugu, Nepali, Urdu, Tamil and Punjabi. To register your interest in receiving our life transforming messages in pdf format, please use our contact us form and include in the message which language you want to receive.
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the unsearchable mysteries – cycle of rest
In the rhythms and cycle of work, the seventh time span was set aside for a special purpose. For it was a special time to cease from labour and celebrate all that He had done.

sent to the one – the leper
Being sent to the one – we will go deeper into Jesus’ words that He declared when He was in His home town of Nazareth. His mission was and is to bring salvation and healing, honour and equality, eternal life and freedom.

consolidate – the word for this season
God’s final goal is uniting all things in heaven and earth in Christ Jesus. God chose to sum up the cosmos and restore peace and harmony to the universe through Jesus. It is in Jesus that we consolidate.

servant king
Jesus knows His time has come to leave this world and return to God the Father. He will carry the full force of human brokenness, depravity and shame. Suffer public humiliation, torture and pain. Through a total violation of all cultural boundaries He was about to demonstrate the love of the servant king.

students of the stars
The students of the stars had seen the sign of the coming of the greatest king of all. The one who would bring His eternal kingdom of life and light, deliverance and freedom, healing and forgiveness, love and peace, truth and justice, equality and respect. He’s greatest expression of God’s love.

He lives in you He lives in me
It is God’s heart’s desire, in fact His overwhelming delight to make His home in us. But most of all, that we be at home in Him. When we say yes to Jesus, yes to God, the Spirit of God dwells in us.

the ladder to heaven
God gave Jacob a dream. A dream like no other. It was rich in imagery, symbolism and meaning. First God reveals a ladder that was set up on earth, that then reaches up to heaven. This is an incredible detail and significant.

the arrival of the kingdom of God
Expectations were high, as their Messiah was in their midst. Prophecies and scriptures about the arrival of the Kingdom of God filled their minds. So they ask Jesus, when is the arrival of the kingdom of God?

touch of heaven – psalm 139
Today we are going to journey through a Psalm that is believed to be written by David. Through the highs and lows of David’s turbulent life, in the midst of all his stuff of his flesh, David knew that he could trust in God.

true freedom
Throughout history freedom has been the cry of both the oppressed and the oppressor. In the name of freedom battles have been fought and lives have been lost. Yet freedom, true freedom, is not something we can realise ourselves or obtain by effort.

hidden treasure
Through both the Old and New Testament of God’s love story – the Bible, there are significant references to treasure. There are different types of treasure. For there is physical treasure, spiritual treasure, earthly treasure and treasures of the heart.

covenant of love sealed in blood
Today we will go back to the time when God, the Eternal One made a covenant of love that was sealed in blood. A covenant being a mutual, binding agreement or pledge of an alliance to each other.