God’s love revealed in Jesus is perfected when we know and experience living in Him. jesus loves : the world sermon messages reveal the Kingdom of God in heart language.
These sermon messages reveal deep spiritual truth and give a clear understanding of God’s word. They are transforming lives, renewing minds and providing a heart to heart connection with God.
It is God the Father’s heart that no one should perish. His saving purpose planned before the beginning of time is to gather together in one all things in Jesus under His rule and reign. As a result God restores peace and harmony to the universe. In Jesus, the Kingdom of heaven came into this world damaged by evil. Setting us free from the bondage of self, evil and death.
know and experience God
There is no greater worth than knowing Jesus as saviour and Lord, intimately and personally. The secret of success is in relationship with Him. Each day living in a continual heart and mind condition of surrender to the Father’s will, coming into His presence drinking the living waters, listening to Him. As a result the Holy Spirit produces the fruit. However it is a daily process. Every moment is an opportunity to grow closer to God and let Him produce the fruit. There is always more with God.
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Our jesus loves : the world sermon messages are available in pdf format and are free to share and preach. They are currently available in several heart languages: English, Telugu, Nepali, Urdu, Tamil and Punjabi. To register your interest in receiving our life transforming messages in pdf format, please use our contact us form and include in the message which language you want to receive.
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the good seed
When Jesus walked the earth as a man He told many stories about the kingdom. We live in God’s kingdom now in Jesus victory over evil, in this world damaged by evil. Journey through the story of the wheat and the tares and discover who are the good seed and how good seed produces good fruit.

See into the eternal through the eyes of the Apostle John. He saw a woman clothed in the beauty and goodness. Under her feet was her fleshly pride. She has a child. This child and her offspring are pursued by the fiery dragon. In this high drama discover how to be an overcomer for all eternity.

seen the glory
As day comes before night, revelation comes before application. Jesus reveals both the pathway of the Christ and for those who choose to follow Him. Jesus says, ‘follow me to my cross and you will see the glory of the Lord.’ Follow the pathway of sonship and see the glory of the Lord in Jesus.

the wonder of worship
Journey back into time, when God speaks to King Solomon, who is building a temple. Discover the wonder of worship, the meaning of the temple, the testimony of the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord, as individuals come together in unity of Spirit to worship the Living God.

God has blessed
The evil powers use fear to deceive and control people. Fear makes people act out of selfish ambition and traps them in a web of lies. It is not of God. When fear comes knocking on our door, we can look to Jesus and His love for us. As a result fear has no place in our life. What God had blessed no one could curse.

only God
Only God can heal and transform the deep rooted negative image of self and transform shame into honour. Despite negative words spoken over Jabez, God declared of Jabez that he was more honourable than his brothers. Journey with Jabez and discover the heart of God and aspects to effective prayer.

behold the man!
We live in a world driven by self will. Humanity’s self will is to oppress others, so that self can be raised up. To take from others, so that self will receive. To shame others, so that self will be honoured. Humanity’s self will or flesh cries out, ‘someone has to pay for all this injustice.’ Behold the man!

tale of two kings
The creator of heaven and earth and all things good is not a master controller up there in heaven manipulating people and situations for His own gain. That is the way of humanity. Yet even in the darkness God is still working, continually pursuing in love, both the good and the bad. This is the tale of two kings.

chosen to choose
Destiny is determined by who we choose to identify ourselves with and become one with. Follow the journey of a loving Father who has chosen a bride for his son. Would she say yes and leave her home, her family and all that meant so much to her? Who would she choose to have her identity with?

search for truth
Everyone is searching for something. It has been said that the ends of life are these three: truth in knowledge or wisdom, life in devotion or emotion and justice in good deeds or works. Another will say the meaning of life is found in truth, beauty and goodness. Yet another will say that truth is relative.

doing a new thing
To cross over into the new thing their is an acknowledgement of the past and a letting go. Letting go of trusting in formulas, strategies, thoughts and gifts given. In letting go we are transitioning from the past into the new thing. With God, the new thing is always greater than the former.

the perfect redeemer
Several hundred years before the first Christmas, God promised the redeemer will come. In the culture of the time a redeemer was a man, a close relative of the same tribe, who buys back what had been lost or taken from their relative. Today we celebrate the redeemer did come.